Welcome to my new blog! I am really excited to be here and I hope that after you read some of my posts, you will keep coming back for more. If you are here because you loved The Leftover Queen, my now retired food blog that I have written for the past 7 years, welcome to my new space, you will still find lots of yummy food recipes that are focused on quality, close to the earth ingredients and ...
If you aren’t passionate about it and it doesn’t fill you up and feed the soul, find another way. Spirit is a part of the whole, which is often denied, and yet it is the key to living our lives with authenticity. It could be staring out at a star-studded sky as the big fat moon hangs low, ripe with potential, standing on a mountaintop reveling in nature, participating in traditional or cultural events that ground you and tell you more about yourself, or maybe sitting quietly in the stillness of your own mind. These are those moments of awe, contentment, wholeness, pleasure and joy wrapped up in a sparkly, juicy package just for you.
Get ready to infuse your mind with YUM!