Infuse Your Life with (more) YUM.
Welcome, Friends.
My name is Jenn Campus, author of The Leftover Queen and Got Goats?…and sheep too!, both retired blogs.
Both of those blogs helped me find out what I am passionate about when it comes to food and lifestyle.
I believe everyone deserves to live a fulfilling and “Whole-istic life”. That is not necessarily a life full of money and material goods, but a comfortable life that is about the simple things. We can all create joy in our daily lives without lots of money and assets.
I have long believed that Food is Medicine. Through practicing “Whole-istic Eating”, which combines preparing and eating whole foods, healing herbs and spices, I am convinced we can all individually take greater charge of our health; physically, mentally and spiritually while becoming culinary wizards at the same time.
I am absolutely committed to helping families cook and eat healthy meals at home no matter what their economic situation is. I believe in organics and wish I lived in a country where GMOs are banned. Food is the foundation of our daily lives and our relationship to it weaves into other aspects of our lives. So there is much focus here on cooking and eating healthfully and deliciously on a budget (it is possible!).
I am also into herbs and tinctures and teas. I love tinkering in the kitchen preparing herbal remedies after spending the day wildcrafting and foraging. It feels good to use those skills to keep my family healthy.
Sometimes I like to talk about nature and spirituality. I am a Kitchen Witch which means that I use the properties of plants and foods when planning my meals, and that I cook with intention and love and believe that transfers to the ones I am cooking for. In fact, I even wrote a book about that. I am also a history and mythology buff who loves learning more about the symbolism of deer in the ancient world. I especially enjoy the stories and spirituality of my ancient northern European ancestors.
Family is everything. Looking at my children give me hope despite what is happening in the world outside our home. They are my biggest focus and my greatest joy.
Yoga has become a major part of my life over the past few years. It has taught me to respect and love my body and has healed many hurts over the years. Through yoga and meditation I have found a way back to myself and a way to peace.
I believe traveling reveals who you really are. It challenges you and intrigues you and you never come back from a trip the same person. It allows you to open your mind and your heart in ways you never knew you could and often inspires you to a greater version of yourself. After I have food on my table, I will always spend what money I have on traveling.
I have been a foodie, animal lover and tree-hugger all my life, a writer since childhood, a blogger since 2007 and a homesteader since 2010. I am a life-long wanderer and seeker.
This blog brings all of my passions (food, yoga, travel, family, children, writing, herbs, fiber arts, gardening, homesteading, minimalism) together to share in one place through the power of YUM.
What is YUM?
YUM is a philosophy. I have been in the yummy food world for years, but I discovered there is more to YUM than just food.
A very wise person (my husband!) once told me that you will know you’ve reached contentment in your life, when you are happy with a crust of bread and a piece of cheese (I added a glass of wine to that scenario, but you get the picture!). It’s about finding your happy. Your own individual world of connection and comfort. Being content with simple things evokes a feeling that all is right with your inner and outer world and all is aligned at the highest vibration. That is the essence of YUM.

Alba finds the YUM
That feeling of YUM might be fleeting, but revel in it. It is what life is all about, right here, right now and it is GOOD.
YUM is the stuff that feeds not just our bodies but also our spirits. It can be a delicious meal shared with family and friends, a gorgeous sunrise, the cozy comfort of a fireplace and a cup of tea, traveling and experiencing a new culture and language or connecting with your higher self and the cosmos. Playing with your children and feeling like a child again. Listening to a song and letting the tears flow.
Come and explore the power of YUM with this Dreamer, Lover, Mother, Wanderer, Enthusiast, Kitchen Witch and Nurturing Wild Woman. This blog offers simple recipes and tips, life hacks, tools and little pleasures to infuse your life with more of The Good Stuff, the YUM.
Most photos on this blog, as well as the design (and anything techie) are credited to my extremely talented and handsome husband Roberto Campus.